Rabu, 12 Juli 2017


Hukum Memakai Jilbab

Salah seorang perempuan cerdik & shalihah Ummu Abdillah Al-Wadi’iyah berkata: “Sungguh, musuh-musuh Islam telah mengetahui bahwa keluarnya kaum perempuan dgn mempertontonkan aurat adalah sebuah gerbang diantara gerbang-gerbang menuju kejelekan & kehancuran. Dan dgn hancurnya mereka maka hancurlah masyarakat. Oleh karena itulah mereka sangat bersemangat mengajak kaum perempuan supaya rela menanggalkan jilbab & rasa malunya…” (Nasihati li Nisaa’, hal. 91)
Beliau juga mengatakan: “Sesungguhnya persoalan tabarruj (mempertontonkan aurat) bukan masalah ringan karena hal itu tergolong perbuatan dosa besar.” (Nasihati li Nisaa’, hal. 95)
Allah ta’ala berfirman,
يَا بَنِي آدَمَ قَدْ أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْكُمْ لِبَاسًا يُوَارِي سَوْآتِكُمْ وَرِيشًا وَلِبَاسُ التَّقْوَى ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ ذَلِكَ مِنْ آيَاتِ اللَّهِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَذَّكَّرُونَ
“Hai anak Adam, Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan kepadamu pakaian utk menutup auratmu & pakaian indah utk perhiasan. & pakaian takwa itulah yang paling baik. Yang demikian itu adalah sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah, Mudah-mudahan mereka selalu ingat.” (QS. Al-A’raaf: 26)
Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam pernah ditanya tentang aurat, maka beliau bersabda, “Jagalah auratmu, kecuali dari (penglihatan) suamimu atau budak yang kau punya.” Kemudian beliau ditanya, “Bagaimana apabila seorang perempuan bersama dgn sesama kaum perempuan ?” Maka beliau menjawab, “Apabila engkau mampu utk tak menampakkan aurat kepada siapapun maka janganlah kau tampakkan kepada siapapun.” Lalu beliau ditanya, “Lalu bagaimana apabila salah seorang dari kami (kaum perempuan) sedang bersendirian ?” Maka beliau menjawab, “Engkau lebih harus merasa malu kepada Allah daripada kepada sesama manusia.” (HR. Abu Dawud [4017] & selainnya dgn sanad hasan, lihat Fiqhu Sunnah li Nisaa’, hal. 381)

Perintah Berjilbab

Allah ta’ala berfirman,
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُلْ لأزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ وَنِسَاءِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلابِيبِهِنَّ ذَلِكَ أَدْنَى أَنْ يُعْرَفْنَ فَلا يُؤْذَيْنَ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَحِيمًا
“Hai Nabi, Katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu & isteri-isteri orang mukmin: “Hendaklah mereka mengulurkan jilbabnya ke seluruh tubuh mereka”. Yang demikian itu supaya mereka lebih mudah utk dikenal, karena itu mereka tak di ganggu. & Allah adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.” (QS. Al-Ahzab: 59)
Syaikh Abdurrahman bin Nashir As-Sa’di berkata: “Ayat yang disebut dgn ayat hijab ini memuat perintah Allah kepada Nabi-Nya agar menyuruh kaum perempuan secara umum dgn mendahulukan istri & anak-anak perempuan beliau karena mereka menempati posisi yang lebih penting daripada perempuan yang lainnya, & juga karena sudah semestinya orang yang menyuruh orang lain utk mengerjakan suatu (kebaikan) mengawalinya dgn keluarganya sendiri sebelum menyuruh orang lain. Hal itu sebagaimana difirmankan Allah ta’ala (yang artinya), “Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jagalah diri kalian & keluarga kalian dari api neraka.” (Taisir Karimir Rahman, hal. 272)

Abu Malik berkata: “Ketahuilah wahai saudariku muslimah, bahwa para ulama telah sepakat wajibnya kaum perempuan menutup seluruh bagian tubuhnya, & sesungguhnya terjadinya perbedaan pendapat –yang teranggap- hanyalah dlm hal menutup wajah & dua telapak tangan.” (Fiqhu Sunnah li Nisaa’, hal. 382)


Tutorial Mengganti Tema Line Menggunakan "Theme Changer" :

1. Install THEME CHANGER dari GooglePlayStore.

2. Download themefile LINE (Misalnya: themefile untuk theme mickey mouse, themefile.4) ke folder dalam sSDcard anda/extSDcard android.

3. Buka applikasi THEME CHANGER di android.

 4. Klik tombol ADD THEME (klik tanda panah [+] di pojok kanan atas tampilan theme changer, disebelah gambar pensil untuk edit koleksi theme.)

 5. Pilih file *themefile* yang udah di download di folder pada directory extSDcard yang agan pilih pada tahap ke 2 tadi. (themefile.4)

6. Secara otomatis Theme Changer menambahkan theme yang agan download tadi pada daftar koleksi themenya. (Misalnya agan download themefile mickey mouse, saat Theme Changer dibuka akan muncul tulisan/list mickey mouse)

 7. Untuk menggunakan theme tsb. Klik pada judul/nama theme di list koleksi themenya THEME CHANGER.

 8. Setelah men-Klik theme yang dipilih anda akan otomatis masuk ke Line, namun tema anda belum berubah, Anda bukannya gagal disini namun memang seperti itulah untuk lanjut ke tahap berikutnya.

9. Matikan Koneksi Data pada HP kalian

10. Pilih Theme Cony/ Brown

11. Selesai


Resep Chocho Pine Fried
Bahan-Bahan :
1.      1 bh nanas ukuran sedang
2.      5 sdm tepung terigu
3.      1 sdm gula pasir
4.      1/2 sdt vanili bubuk
5.      1/2 sdt garam
6.      1/2 sdt baking powder
7.      Air secukupnya
8.      Sedikit garam untuk merendam
9.      Tepung panir secukupnya
10.  Minyak untuk menggoreng
11.  Coklat leleh

Cara Membuat Chocho Pine Fried
1.      Kupas nanas dan potong nanas menjadi 6-8 bagian, tergantung ukurannya. Buang batang tengahnya sehingga bentuknya menjadi menyerupai huruf O.
2.      Rendam nanas dalam larutan garam selama kurang lebih 10 menit untuk mengurangi kadar airnya. Angkat dan tiriskan.
3.      Siapkan wadah, masukkan tepung terigu, gula pasir, vanili bubuk, garam dan baking powder. Tuangkan air secukupnya, aduk rata hingga membentuk adonan kental.
4.      Ambil sekeping potongan nanas, celupkan kedalam adonan kemudian gulingkan diatas tepung panir. Lakukan langkah yang sama pada potongan nanas yang lainnya.
5.      Goreng nanas hingga matang dan bagian luarnya crispy. Angkat dan tiriskan.
6.      Sajikan segera selagi panas dan taburkan atau tambahkan coklat leleh di atasnya, karena jika sudah dingin teksturnya menjadi tidak crispy.

Minggu, 21 Mei 2017

Random Exercises (Task 9)

Random Exercises!
Task 9
1.      Alfred Adams has not______________.
A.    Lived in lonelynessly in times previous
B.     Never before lived sole
C.     Ever lived alone before
D.    Before lived without the company of his friends
Answer  : C
Analysis : This sentence indicates negation since there is a word “not” so the continuing sentence must be with the context as given in opinion C. Ever lived alone before. It doesn’t match with the context of other given options.
2.      Henry will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because____________.
A.     He must to teach a class
B.     He will be teaching a class
C.     Of he will teach a class
D.     He will have teaching a class
Answer : B
Analysis : Since the give sentence is in simple future tense as indicated by the word “will” so as per the grammatical rule of english, the following sentence must also be in future tense and therefore is correctly matches with option B and not with other options.
3.      Florida has not yet ratified the amendment, and____________.
A.     Several other states hasn’t either
B.     Neither has some of the others states
C.     Some other states also have not either
D.     Neither have several other states
Answer : D
Analysis : Here the word “neither” is used in the form of a ‘similar comparison’. Both are negative clauses. But because we are negating something it is more natural to use the word neither so that we will know early on that it is a negation. So the correct option as per the rule of grammar is (D)
4.      There has not been a great response to the sale___________.
A.     Does there
B.     Hasn’t there
C.     Hasn’t it
D.     Has there
Answer : D
Analysis : in this sentence we have to apply the rule of question tag in english grammar. If it’s a  negative sentence the followed question tag must be positive including the auxiliary verb given in the sentence (has) that’s why option D is pefect answer for this question as its in positive question tag and all other options have negative question tags.
5.      __________ was the day before yesterday.
A.     The france’s independence day
B.     The day of the french independence
C.     French’s independence day
D.     France’s independence day
Answer : D
Analysis : france’s independence day will be the correct option as according to the rule of punctuation marks in english grammar we can’t say french’s  or the day of the french independence. So option D perfectly matches with the given question.
6.      ______________ he would have come to class.
A.     If mike is able to finish his homework
B.     Would mike be able to finish his homework
C.     If mike could finish his homework
D.     If mike had been able to finish his homework
Answer : D
Analysis : the given sentence is a conditional sentence starting with “if” and as per the rule of conditional sentences in english grammar, if the first principal clause is in past perfect continous tense in which we add “been” after the verb (had+been), then the proceeding subordinate clause will be in simple past tense. That’s why the correct option is (D)
7.      The cyclist________ he crossed the main street.
A.     Looked with caution after
B.     Had loocked cautiously before
C.     Was looked cautious when
D.     Looks cautious when
Answer : B
Analysis : since the sentence clearly indicates the usage of simple past tense (crossed) in the second part so as per the tense rule of english grammar the beginning sentence must be in past perfect tense in which we add ‘had + 2nd form of verb (looked)’. Therefore the option (B) correctly matches the answer for given question.
8.      Here________ notebook and report that i promised you last week
A.     Is the
B.     Are the
C.     Was the
D.     Has been a
Answer : B
Analysis : since the sentence talks about more than one thing including the notebook as well as the report so the verb used must be plural and from the options given for this question only option (B) is  plural (are) and rest other are singular so option (B) is the correct answer for this question.
9.      A student must know__________.
A.     To study hard
B.     To be a good student
C.     How to study effectively
D.     The way of efficiency in study
Answer : C
Analysis :  the best answer is C because this sentences is modal auxiliary “must”. It means that a job should be do. This sentence followed by other than a verb and adjective.
10.  George did not do well in the class because__________.
A.     he studied bad
B.     He was not good study wise
C.     He was a badly student
D.     He failed to study properly
Answer : D
Analysis : the best answer is D because this sentences is past tense and use formula is S + did not + verb 1. 

Jumat, 12 Mei 2017


Choose the incorrect one fom A, B, C, D
1.      After she had bought himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.
                              A            B                                          C      D
Incorrect : B. Himself
Analysis : Because the sentence is the subject is she, the word himself should be herself. So the revision is After she had bought herself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle.

2.      After George had returned to his house, he was reading a book.
A            B           C         D
Incorrect : D. was reading
Analysis : Because the sentence is “he was reading a book” is the simple past tense, after the word was to be followed by verb2. The best answer the word reading ahould be read. So the revision is After George had returned to his house, he was read a book.

3.      After john eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed
                          A                     B              C                         D           
Incorrect : A. Eaten
Analysis : because the sentence is icompleted. The structure of the sentence is after subject + had + verb3. So the word eaten should be preceded by the word had. So the revision is  After john had eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.

4.      The president we finishing after he has finished withe the conferences.
A                                 B       C                 D
incorrect : D. has finished
Analysis : because the sentences is he has finished with the conferences is the past perfect tense. The structure of the best sentences is after subject + had + verb3. So the word finished should be preceded by the word had and the word has should be had. So the revision is The president we finishing after he had finished withe the conferences.

5.      The governor has not decided how to deal with the new problems already.
A                     B                                 C                                             D
Incorrect : D. already
Analysis : because the sentences is negative, so the word already should be yet. So the revision is The governor has not decided how to deal with the new problems yet.

6.      The professor had already given the homework assignment when he had remembered
A                                             B        
that Monday was holiday.
            C         D
Incorrect : B. Had remembered
Analysis : because the sentences is had remembered it must be remembered. The sentences is past perfect tense and the sentences has two action and happen in the past.

7.      John lived in new york since 1960 to 1975, but he is now living in detroit.
                        A                    B                                                C         D
Incorrect : B. Since
Analysis : because the sentenses is since, it must be for that use the formula for + duration of time. Because since is since+ beginning of time used to describe when a job or something begins and for used to measure an event duration.

8.      Before she moved here, arlene had been president of the organization since four years.
   A                                                     B                      C                            D
Incorrect : D. since
Analysis : because the sentences is since, it must be for that use the formula for + duration of time, because since is since+ beginning of time used to describe when a job or something begins and for used to measure an event duration.

9.      Our new neighbors had been living in arizona since ten years before moving their present
     A                                B                                   C                          D
Incorrect : C. Since
Analysis : because the sentences is since, it must be for that use the formula for + duration of time, because since is since+ beginning of time used to describe when a job or something begins and for used to measure an event duration.

10.  The volume four of our encyclopedia set has been missing for two months.
      A                        B                                         C                 D
Incorrect : A. The volume

Analysis : because the sentences is the volume, it must be volume or a volume. Because the is definitie article used on specific or previously mentioned thing. Things or thoughts and i think volume in the sentences is not definite article because volume is not specific or indefinite article.